Services | Merkir Interior
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Apartment Interior with Red Accents


Merkir Interiors offers a comprehensive array of services dedicated to transforming spaces into captivating expressions of art and functionality. Our expertise spans residential, commercial, and hospitality sectors, where we tailor designs to embody the distinct aspirations of each client. From conceptualization to execution, we meticulously craft innovative and visually appealing environments, integrating modern trends with timeless elegance. Our services encompass spatial planning, material selection, furniture layout, lighting design, and more, all driven by a client-centric approach that ensures seamless collaboration. Whether it's breathing new life into homes, creating productive workspaces, or crafting inviting hospitality venues, Merkir's services epitomize a harmonious blend of creativity, precision, and excellence.


Residential Interior Design

Merkir Interiors crafts captivating functional spaces, spanning residential, commercial, and hospitality sectors. Our expertise tailors designs to individual aspirations, integrating modern trends with timeless elegance. Services encompass spatial planning, material selection, lighting design, and more, with seamless client collaboration. Whether revitalizing homes, workspaces, or crafting venues, Merkir embodies creativity and excellence.


Commercial & Office Space

Merkir Interiors reimagines commercial and office spaces, harmonizing functionality and aesthetics. With keen insights into business needs, our designs inspire productivity and collaboration, leaving a lasting impact. Meticulously planned layouts optimize space while reflecting brand identity. From contemporary furniture to innovative lighting, our designs seamlessly unite practicality and style, creating dynamic work environments that elevate productivity and company culture.


Restaurant & Cloud Kitchen

Merkir Interiors redefines restaurant and cloud kitchen spaces with immersive designs that balance aesthetics and efficiency. Guided by a deep understanding of the industry, our expert team crafts captivating atmospheres tailored to each establishment's brand. From layout optimization to innovative technology integration, we create exceptional dining spaces that excel in both aesthetics and practicality.

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